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Orchid’s Probabilistic Rollups are on Avalanche

Orchid’s Probabilistic Rollups are on Avalanche

Jun 15, 2022

Welcome Avalanche frens!

Orchid’s layer 2 is running on Avalanche! Using Orchid’s account manager (dapp), anyone can make an Orchid account with AVAX and pay for VPN service by the byte using Orchid’s layer 2, which harnesses probability to send huge numbers of tiny payments.

Go to, select the Avalanche chain and then connect a wallet with AVAX in it to fund an Orchid account. Avalanche has low network fees, so moving funds in and out of each account is not expensive. Refer to our chart to see how the network fees of using Orchid’s smart contracts on Avalanche compares to other blockchains.

Why Avalanche?

A key difference between Avalanche and other decentralized networks is the consensus protocol. The Avalanche protocol employs a novel approach to consensus to achieve its strong safety guarantees, quick finality, and high-throughput without compromising decentralization.

For Avalanche die-hards, this integration is going to allow users to denominate their Orchid accounts in AVAX as they pay for VPN service. For those who believe in the protocol, it is a safe way to store funds inside a payment account that can be used for Orchid’s VPN.

With greater activity on the Ethereum network, gas fees have risen and will likely continue to rise. Layer 2 scaling technologies – including Orchid’s probabilistic rollup – have popped up to address this problem; as well as separate chains, some with compatibility with Ethereum dapps.

Orchid has adopted a multichain strategy to make its decentralized VPN marketplace affordable and accessible to all.

“Avalanche is a great project with a novel approach to consensus and a separation of concerns strategy.” said Orchid’s Head of Product, Travis Cannell. “We invite the Avalanche community to pay for their VPN service using AVAX.”

How to use the Orchid VPN on Avalanche

The basic steps to use Orchid on Avalanche are detailed here. In short:

  • Get enough AVAX Metamask for the balance + deposit + funding fee

    • Note: The deposit can be withdrawn after a 24 hr cooling off period and the balance can be withdrawn immediately. The network fee is the only unrecoverable cost.
  • Download the Orchid app, add your funding wallet and then select and copy the Orchid identity you want to fund
  • Open the dapp at
  • Connect your funding wallet and paste in the Orchid identity
  • Add funds! The app will then have a connected, funded account

About probabilistic rollups, Orchid’s unique Layer 2 solution

Orchid’s unique system of probabilistic rollups is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible Layer 2 solution that enables tiny amounts of money to be sent as off-chain probabilities. The technology is emerging as a new form of rollup, differentiated from zero-knowledge rollups or optimistic rollups. A “probabilistic rollup” allows for many off-chain transactions to be sent that eventually settle using probability. When users buy VPN bandwidth on Orchid, transactions are sent as nanopayments, each of which is worth approximately one one-thousandth (1/1,000) of a penny, depending upon how the account is configured. Probabilistic nanopayments allow Orchid users access to a unique pay-as-you-go model for VPN service. Orchid never charges fixed fees or monthly subscriptions (as many centralized VPNs do), making its bandwidth market truly liquid and trustless.

Privacy is Orchid’s mission. Probabilistic nanopayments, along with this integration with Avalanche, are two critical components of Orchid’s goal of making online privacy accessible to people everywhere – restoring the Internet as a place of freedom and exploration in the process.

Click here to download Orchid today.

You can also join the Orchid community on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord.

About Avalanche

Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality, and has the most validators securing its activity of any proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try Avalanche today.

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Jan 14, 2022
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